When It Comes To… (letra e música: Djio)

Isto foi algo que compus enquanto arrumava as malas ao final o English Camp; logo após os acampantes terem ido embora e os norte-americanos se preparavam para partir… compus durante cerca de uma hora, foi bem intenso.

Isto é uma música, irei gravá-la em breve e publicarei para que ouçam.
Agradeço ao Drew Sams por corrigir a primeira versão, ainda no acampamento.
Agradeço ao Scott James por colocar os acordes pra mim.
Agradeço a todos os participants do YFC English Camp 2011 por fazê-lo tão memorável, esta música é pra vocês.

When It Comes To…

Song and Lyrics by Djio

It’s hard when it comes to… saying good-bye
It’s hard when it comes to… looking into each other’s eyes
It’s hard when it comes to… See that you’re leaving and I will
stay here with only memories

It’s hard when it comes to… feeling_just left behind
It’s hard when it comes to… willing so bad to cry
It’s hard when it comes to… knowing we’ll be so far
it’s not possible to see you next weekend

Hope there’s_still some place_left in your heart
to save this time we’ve spent together
Being apart is gonna be tough
so to say I’ll miss you… it’s just not enough

It’s hard when it comes to… waiving farewell
It’s hard when it comes to… not hearing you yell
It’s hard when it comes to… living for the next day
without you near me

But I know… God will take good care of you
And I know… you will remember me too
My hope is for us to stay as good friends
And we might be able to see each other again
So my prayer is for us to meet
If not soon… in the eternity

Visit me at www.djdjio.com

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