- Postei! ->: Evite tirar a sua venda antes do amanhecer… http://www.djio.com.br/evite-tirar-a-sua-venda-antes-do-amanhecer/ #
- Eu gostei de um vídeo do YouTube — Korean Girl Guitar Funk Jam http://youtu.be/IN21lcvIsvM?a #
- Postei! ->: Baby worshiping in the church http://www.djio.com.br/en/baby-worshiping-in-the-church/ #
- Postei! ->: Bebê louvando no culto http://www.djio.com.br/bebe-louvando-no-culto/ #
- I just got some FREE contemporary Christmas music from Omaha Collective. You can download it too: https://www.noisetrade.com/omahacollective #
- if anyone in the USA is awake and have an eBay account contact me in the next hour, pleeeeaaaassseeee!! #
- my skype is: djio.com.br #
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